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The first part of the chimney sweeping process is for a trained chimney sweeping to thoroughly inspect the fireplace and chimney. Homeowners or tenants who use real fires or wood burners should have this done annually. A European Standard LLC technician looks inside the chimney to see if accumulated soot is present. If so, he will clean the chimney. If he notices any damage, he will alert you to it and provide a price for repair.


Did we mention that chimney cleaning is a messy job? You’d never know it after European Standard LLC gets done cleaning your chimney! To protect your home, our chimney sweep spreads large drop cloths over the floor and any necessary furnishings. He will cover the fireplace opening if necessary, with a plastic sheet and tape this to the side of the fireplace. The sweep then sets up a high power industrial vacuum cleaner to suck up soot and debris as it is removed from the chimney with the sweep brush. Call today for a free quote.


To sweep the chimney itself, European Standard LLC’s chimney sweep inserts a wide, specialty nylon fiber sweep brush into the fireplace and down the chimney to dislodge soot and debris. During the sweeping process, the technician cleans all parts of the fireplace and chimney, including the flue, damper, smoke chamber, smoke shelf and firebox. In roughly 30 minutes to an hour, your chimney will be squeaky clean, and safe to operate.



The chimney crown is an essential part of your chimney system. The crown is a concrete top designed to pitch water to the sides where it can easily run off. However, crowns do not last forever and will develop cracks and deteriorate. If not addressed, water can penetrate your chimney causing bricks to break or loosen up. This will result in a much more costly repair.

There are two types of repairs for crowns, sealing or complete replacement. If your crown has only minor cracks a chimney crown sealant can be applied. It is a flexible waterproof sealant that gets installed over your existing crown. European Standard LLC is partial to Crown Seal because it comes with a 15-year warranty.

When a crown has deteriorated past the point of sealing a full replacement is the only option. The existing crown must be removed and a new concrete one poured. Some inexperienced masons will install a thin layer of mortar over the existing crown. The problem with this is it will crack very quickly leaving you with the exact same problem. European Standard LLC will do the job right and make sure the problem is solved.


Your chimney is constantly exposed to the harsh elements of the outdoors. After years of enduring these conditions, its mortar will begin to deteriorate. This causes holes and cracks in the mortar and leaves your chimney susceptible to water penetration. This is why it is important to repair or replace this mortar before more costly repairs are required.

The process of repointing involves grinding or scraping the damaged mortar out from between the bricks and then replacing it with a new mortar. It is important that the old mortar joint is correctly removed and cleaned for proper adhesion of the new mortar. This simple process can add years of life to your chimney.

European Standard LLC recommends protecting your investment by waterproofing your chimney with Chimney Saver water repellent after repointing. Call today for a free quote or to schedule service.


Brick chimneys may need to be rebuilt after years of water damage has compromised the masonry structure beyond the point where normal repairs would be effective. Rebuilds may also be required if a home’s foundation settles, or if storm damage such as a lightning strike separates the chimney from the house.

When you hire European Standard LLC for a chimney rebuild, we’ll begin by removing the damaged section of the chimney. This can be as small as the top couple rows or as large as the entire chimney down to the foundation. The most common however is from the roof line up as this is the area exposed to the elements. The chimney is then rebuilt with all new brick and mortar to match original dimensions. The rebuild is completed with a new pitched concrete crown. We then recommend that you waterproof your chimney with Chimney Saver water repellent.


Why should you have European Standard LLC install a cap or damper on your chimney? Here are just a few of the best

  1. A residents & commercial: chimney cap will prevent rain, snow or any other moisture from entering your chimney. Moisture can rust dampers and fireboxes as well as deteriorate flues and mortar joints.
  2. Birds and animals are attracted to the warmth of your chimney and a chimney cap will keep them out. These animals can be very difficult to remove and can also build nests that will clog your chimney.
  3. Especially in windy areas, downdrafts can cause your house to fill with smoke. Installation of a chimney cap can help discourage these downdrafts.
  4. The built-in screen on a chimney cap can reduce the number of sparks and large ash that can be blown into the air and onto rooftops. This can be extremely dangerous especially on dry days.


Standard Caps: Standard caps come in many different shapes and sizes and are designed to bolt directly onto the chimney flue. They are available in both stainless steel and copper.

Multi-flue Caps: These are very similar to a standard cap but designed to cover multiple flues. They get directly anchored to the cement crown and are also available in stainless steel or copper.

Factory-Built Caps: These caps are made of stainless steel and designed to fit in almost any factory-built chimney. Many factory-built caps come in galvanized steel which eventually rusts and needs to be replaced.

Specialty Caps: There are also a variety of specialty caps including copper pots, clay pots, wind blocking caps and draft enhancing caps.

Mesh: Many chimneys have bluestone caps which will protect your chimney from the elements but not from everything else.

Stainless steel mesh should be installed over all flues to keep pesky animals out and act as a spark arrestor as well.


While many chimneys contain an internal metal damper, these products are often inadequate at restricting the flow of air between a home and the outdoors. These dampers, called throat dampers, have a metal-to-metal closure that can leave gaps, allowing warm air to escape and cold air to enter. Over time, the metal structure of the throat damper can also warp or rust, causing air leaks to worsen.

An easy way to cut heat loss from a home and reduce heating bills is through the installation of an energy saving top-sealing fireplace damper. An energy saving damper replaces the original damper in a fireplace and is installed at the top of the chimney. One of the most frequently installed top-sealing dampers is Lyemance. It seals the chimney with a silicone rubber gasket making it completely air tight. It is made of solid cast aluminum with stainless steel parts and carries a lifetime warranty.



If we had a dime for every time we heard, “but my chimney looked fine on the outside” after a chimney fire, we’d be on a beach in Jamaica sipping mai-tais. Your chimney, like most chimneys, probably appears to be OK, but on the inside, we’re very likely to find a multitude of conditions that raise red flags. The original clay liner may have cracks or even pieces missing. Old chimneys might not even have a liner. Mortar and bricks may be loose and falling, and there could be excessive building up combustible creosote on the flue walls. These conditions are a disaster in the making. Don’t risk it. Make an appointment for European Standard LLC to install a chimney liner in your home without delay!


European Standard LLC will restore and revitalize your chimney by installing a HomeSaver UltraPro chimney relining system. These chimney liners are made with a .005” thick layer of 316 Ti-alloy stainless steel, specifically formulated to withstand the harsh conditions inside your chimney. Not only does the 316 Ti-alloy withstand the corrosive environments found in gas and oil flues, but it also stands up to the high heat present in wood flues. The patented gas tight interlock system is unsurpassed in strength. Home Saver UltraPro has been tested and listed by Underwriters Laboratories to their highest standards and it comes with a lifetime warranty, including damage caused by both fire and corrosion. Call today for a free estimate!


Everyone’s on a tight budget these days. So why should you spring for a HomeSaver UltraPro chimney liner instead of the generic model at the big box home improvement store? The difference would literally be made clear in one step. The generic chimney liner collapses under the weight of an average person. The HomeSaver UltraPro chimney liner doesn’t move an inch. So which chimney liner would you trust to protect your home and family? Think outside the big box and call European Standard LLC We’ll evendemonstrate the “crush test” for you!


Prefabricated or factory-built chimney units have become increasingly popular with homeowners over the years, to the point where some 75% of annual fireplace installations are pre-fabricated fireplace units. European Standard LLC builds and installs all kinds of fireplaces and chimneys, including prefabricated chimney units. Talk to our technicians about the options and benefits, and we’ll help you decide on a system that best suits you and your home.


There are many reasons why prefabricated chimney and fireplace units are so popular. Since they are constructed as one unit and are specifically designed and rigorously tested to work together, you can expect a high level of efficiency and safety. They can also be installed without a concrete footing, which means you’ll have broad installation options, and since prefabricated units are constructed largely out of metal and glass, they can be highly affordable additions, too. Call European Standard LLC to see what it’s all about! So will you! Call European Standard LLC today.


Chases are designed and built to mimic the shape of a masonry chimney. They are sometimes finished with siding that matches the rest of the home, or with a facade that mimics brick or stone. A stainless steel cover is then installed at the top to keep water from entering. A well-constructed chase around your prefabricated chimney can be a truly beautiful and durable addition to your home’s exterior. Call European Standard LLC to find the perfect unit at the right price.



Moisture from a variety of sources is always present in masonry and concrete. Sealers and silicone coatings form a water-resistant surface film which traps water vapors inside. If these vapors cannot escape, they will contribute to spalling, scaling, deterioration, and freeze-thaw damage. Chimney Saver is 100% vapor permeable –a non-film-forming water repellent that penetrates and lines masonry pores. It may cost a little extra, but isn’t your home worth it? If you agree, call European Standard LLC.


ChimneySaver contains patented siloxanes small enough to penetrate most masonry pores up to ¼” or more. These special siloxanes form strong bonds with silica in masonry and concrete. Because of this bonding process, one application of ChimneySaver provides up to ten times the water repellent protection of typical sealers while maintaining the masonry’s breathability. Your chimney will breathe easier, and so will you! Call European Standard LLC today.


At European Standard LLC, we recommend ChimneySaver water repellent with complete confidence. We’ve used it for years and it delivers on its promises. No water repellent, however, is a substitute for good construction and workmanship. The first step in preventing water damage is to make necessary repairs to structural cracks, damaged crowns, flashings, deteriorated bricks, and mortar joints. Fortunately, we can handle that, too. Call today for a free quote!